Monday, November 8, 2010

New Brooches for Oona

So, we went to Atlantia Fall Crown Tourney this weekend. In preparation Oona made herself a new dress and apron dress. So, when I got home from work on Friday afternoon I hammered out a couple new brooches for her since I would not have time to cast any. The whole project took only a couple hours. I even made the clasp pins by hand. They turned out so well that I am going to make her a couple more sets with combined copper and brass.

On Sunday, Oona requested more bead strands. I decided to make them so she could mix and match strands so when I make the additional sets of hammered brooches she will have lots of options.

When I fire up the casting furnace I will cast Oona a couple more sets of brooches and more trinkets to add to the bead strands. You know that a man should always give his wife jewelry.