Monday, October 13, 2008

Leather rain hood

Well, I have had this deer tanned cow hide sitting around for years. I had always planned to make a leather rain hood out of it but just never got around to it. Last weekend I finally made the hood. I can document it as far back as 50BC and as far forward as 800AD, so well within my time period.
It is simply a pillow case with 2 open sides attached to a yoke collar. This was a simple project and it should help keep me dry on those rainy days at events. I hope to get some better pictures at some event.

New Hat

Well, I have the big, hot sheep skin hat but I wanted something that was nice looking, period and not as hot. So this weekend I made a new leather hat with wolf fur rim. The wolf is from a vintage coat from the 1950's that I bought cheap on eBay. I even made a wool tassel for the hell of it.

Medieval Game Board

So, I get board sitting around camp and wanted some period games to play. So this weekend I made a game board. I based it off some pre-viking and viking finds of game boards. On one side is a Tablut board and on the other side a Merels board. The playing pieces are glass and the king is a deer knuckle bone. The board is a piece of oak with the playing surfce wood burned into the board.